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December Social 2023 - 

Cutlers Hall tour and Christmas Cheer!

Thursday 14th December 2023, from 5pm

A joint event between the Sheffield Society of Architects and the RIBA Yorkshire Small & Emerging Practice Group

Sheffield Society of Architects in collaboration with RIBA Yorkshire Small and Emerging Practice Group would like to invite you to the Cutler’s Hall Tour and Christmas Cheer event, a drink, a bite, and a little bit of CPD all rounded off with a social get together with fellow local architects at The Cutler’s Hall in Sheffield on Thursday December 14th.

Begin the evening at 5pm at the Cutler’s Hall reception room with a glass on arrival plus a canapé or three, followed by a tour of this fantastic Grade II Neo Classical Sheffield marvel, learning about its history and hearing no doubt some great stories.


The tour will commence at 5.30pm and last for about 90 minutes after which feel free to join others at the bar for an end of 2023 catch up.

Please note. There is a small fee of £10 for the event.

Please register first to ensure that there are still tickets available, and then make payment(s) via bank transfer to:

Sheffield Society of Architects

Sort Code: 30 97 51(Lloyds Bank)

Account Number: 45448060

Payment Reference: SSA Xmas Social


Registration Deadline: Thursday 7th December

Event Date: Thursday 14th December, 17.00hrs – 20.30hrs  (Tour starts at 17.30hrs prompt)

Venue: Cutlers Hall, 7-15 Church St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 1HG

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cutlers hall at christmas

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