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The Sheffield Society of Architects, in collaboration with the Sheffield Civic Trust (SCT), Friends of Sheffield Castle (FOSC) and the Sheaf & Porter Rivers Trust (SPRT), invite you to join us for a City Centre Vision Day, entitled - 

What if Heart of the City was replicated in Castlegate?

10am til 4pm, Wednesday 30th April 2025 

The 700s area, Kommune, Castle House, Angel Street, Sheffield, S3 8LS

Refreshments and lunch provided

What if Sheffield's Heart of the City project was replicated in Castlegate?

The Heart of the City project (HoC) is about to deliver its last transformational outputs: this event will assess its impacts and lessons, and consider how they might be applied to another area of the city centre which is also proposed for transformational change - Castlegate.


Castlegate’s challenges are, in many ways, the consequence of decisions to consolidate retail and residential investment in HoC, leaving Sheffield’s oldest quarter with an uncertain role. Yet it remains the home of the courts, many of the city centre hotels and a number of large council-owned development plots, with a number of confirmed and significant new projects such as Harmony Works, S1 Art Space and Sheffield Castle Site – part of the programme being coordinated by the Castlegate Partnership which has an area board chaired by Abtisam Mohamed MP.


The day is designed to encourage debate within Sheffield about high quality urban development and place-making, focussing on two significant areas in the City Centre.


The event, to be held within Castlegate on 30th April 2025, will be in two parts, with the morning reviewing the progress and outcomes of HoC, and the afternoon considering how some lessons from that work could inform the future vision, plans and work in Castlegate. It will particularly look at how development can build on what is different or special about Sheffield – taking as a starting point the influential community consultation and report from the Academy of Urbanism (Dec 2013).


The day is for all those who are involved or interested in high quality development in Sheffield, including urban design professionals, developers, council officers and members, traders/organisations in the areas concerned, together with wider civic and heritage bodies and interested members of the public.


There will be a variety of different perspectives presented, there will be materials relevant to the topic, and substantial time will be available for small group discussion. The groups will encourage discussions between people with different perspectives.


A light lunch will be available, and networking encouraged. It will also be possible to attend just the morning or afternoon, although the event is designed as a whole.


There will be notes produced from the day which will be made publicly available to as wide an audience as possible. Following the day as many relevant groups as possible will be invited to schedule a short discussion of the ideas and report at one of their forthcoming meetings.


Please register by clicking the button above. We look forward to seeing you there!

© Sheffield Society Of Architects

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