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Testone Factory

1pm - 2pm, 28th September 2018

Testone Factory, Unit 1a, 2 Kelham Island, Sheffield S3 8SD

Tour led by - Peter & Paul and Teatum & Teatum

Sitting in the industrial Kelham Island , a new workspace has emerged. The Testone Factory is a creative factory, with half of the workspace home to design communications agency Peter & Paul whilst the remaining space is a co-working office used by independent and creative businesses.

A collaboration between Peter & Paul, commercial strategist Naioscape, and architect Teatum + Teatum, Testone factory is set inside a former iron foundary. The flexible central space is lined by two serviced wings. The west wing houses a micro gallery, meeting rooms, kitchen and plant spaces whilst the east contains smaller offices.

“The Testone Factory is a new typology that uses flexibility and collaboration to create growth” Tom + James Teatum, co-directores of Teatum + Teatum.


You can find out more about the project here:

Building visit - Testone
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